Welcome to Micro Controller Peripherals in Ada
This site lists various micro-controller boards that can be used with the programming language Ada. Currently we are focused on AVR boards as we have an Ada compiler only for these processors. We are planning to extend it to also cover ESP8266 and ESP32 boards.
- AVR Butterfly (atmega169)
- Arduino Uno (atmega328p)
- Arduino Nano V3 (atmega328p)
- Digispark (attiny85)
- ESP-01 (esp8266)
- Wemos / Lolin D1 Mini (esp8266)
- ESP32 (esp-32)
AVR Internal Units
- Interrupts triggered at GPIOs
- 8bit Timers
- 16bit Timers
- UART for Serial Communication
- Analog/Digital Converter (ADC)
- I2C Bus Master
Input Devices
- Keys
- Single Button
- Potentiometer (variable resistor)
- Dual Axis Joystick
- Playstation PS2 Controller
- Capacitive Touch Sensor
- Voltage Meter
- Current Sensor INA219
- Temperature Sensors
- One-Wire Sensor 18B20
- Temperature and Humidity Sensors
- Temperature and Pressure Sensors
Output Devices
- IO Expander PCF8574, I2C
- Displays
- Single Digit 7-Segment
- 4 Digits 7-Segment
- 2 rows of 4 7-segment digits
- LCD 1602 (2 lines of 16 characters), directly driven
- LCD 2004 (4 lines of 20 characters), via I2C IO expander
For more details see GitHub Flavored Markdown.
Sytax highlighting of Ada code
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Hello is
Put_Line ("Hello World!");
end Hello;
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